Thursday, September 4, 2008

Word to your brother.

Hey T.

You know those times when you take a double take because you think you see someone you know? Well, that totally happend to me last Thursday in my Food&Nutrition class. Doesn't he look familiar? It's so weird, he even does that smirk thing. Who knew Alan had a brother? HAHA. I sure didn't. The first day of class, I was sitting next to my new friend Charmaine and he walked in. I seriously took a double take, like a stupid. Anyways, I started laughing because he totally reminded me of Alan. Charmaine didn't get it, so I showed her Alan's myspace. And she started tripping out too. So today during a break, I went outside and he happend to go outside too. And now, there is a proof that Alan Vitug 2.0 does exists. He's a bit shorter than Alan, but it's probably because he's an alien clone or something.
So, what's new with you? Didn't you start school yet?


1 comment:

Joleena said...

its so something alan would freakin wear too. hahahaha.