Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Everything happens for a reason.

Yo T, I really think everything happens for a reason. I don't know about you, but I could be in the shittiest place in my life ever questioning why the universe is punishing me, or asking why God must play silly tricks on me, but at the end of the day, I honestly believe there is a reason for it. Everyone has shitty experiences, shady people, and fucked up decisions that color their pasts. And because I'm not perfect, as much as I may seem to be (LOLZ /jk.), I too have my share of mistakes. But, I think it's what we do after we make the mistake that makes the difference. In regards to the mistake, it doesn't matter how horrible or how insignificant it is, it's the following actions that matter. I, personally, may dwell on certain issues for particularly extended amount of time, but that's just how I processes things... You know? One step at a time.

And as stupid as horoscopes may be, I love them. Ever since the fourth grade when I got my hand on my very first teenie bopper magazine, horoscopes have been my guilty pleasure. Yes, I am a Catholic, and yes, my grandmother will tell you horoscopes come from the devil, but I don't care. I like them. & In light of recent events, I've received some very unusual invitations for this coming weekend. This horoscope, in so little words, says so much & it's a little creepy. I think my lucky stars are lining up.
Hugs & Biatches,
Miss Clarizzy

P.S. My leg muscles, eye muscles, and sometimes my arm muscles are twitching uncontrollably. I think its the massive amounts of coffee I'm drinking every morning. smh

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