Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sigma Omega Nu and Shaniqua.

Did I mention I was rushing a sorority? (And them pledging if I get a bid). I think that's the right terminology, but I'm not positive. Anyway, they're called Sigma Omega Nu and they're pretty much the shit. They're a Latina interest group based off of: culture (of course), education and sisterhood (in any order). I had an interview last night at 6 that made me totally nervous. It was in the third floor of the library in this pretty big study room and all the girls (actually, sisters...but not NUNS...cause I know that's what you were thinking...) kind of sat at the round table to ask questions/take notes...(kind of intense). Oh, and should mention it was like 800 degrees and some of the girls were sweatin' bullets? Ack. Anyway, I think I did pretty well. I'll be a little disappointed if I don't get asked back to pledge, but, such is life, right? I guess that'll just mean that I'm not supposed to be in a sorority. I won't boo-hoo over it though.

I'm reading a book called Fourth Comings right now. It's the fourth in a series. This girl, named Jessica Darling, journals about her life from the time she is in high school til the time she graduates from college. It's pretty interesting, I guess. I mean, I can definitely relate (since high school isn't that far in the past and we're currently LIVING in our college sin..I mean, lives, ha). If the ending is disappointing I am going to be very, very sad because that's a-thousand-and-change pages I will never be able to get back.......so many hours of my life. I will let you know what I think of the end. <33.

In other news: well, there really isn't any other news as of yet this week. But, it's only Tuesday. I'm pretty sure I'm goin' out to dinner with a cutie on Wednesday. More about that later.....

You need to tell me about your special phone call, by the way. Might as well just air it out here. We'll call her...Shaniqua ;]. I really like that name, yo. Lol. Just kidding.


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