Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My Cell Phone Gets More Action Than I Do.

Substitute lover? Uhm, yeah. I wonder if anybody else is wondering why you like that song so much. ::cough-cough:: Subliminal messages, anyone?

Did I mention I've been super busy? This org. stuff just may be taking over my life. I've been staying up super late, sleeping little, eating shitty and not exercising regularly like I normally do. Needless to say, I've made myself SICK. Yes, all the glamor of being an elite socialite diva comes with a price my dear friend. (It's been fun though...it's just so tiring).

[This is a side girly-note. I feel totally fat, dude. What are your thoughts on diet pills?...Just curious...don't you go assuming I am going to take them!...I hate when people assume...more on that later].

I'm sorry I've been neglecting this. Lemme catch you up on my weekend: I attended a birthday party on Friday (I was DD this night...oh, and I inhaled so much smoke that I'm pretty sure I got some kind of nose/throat illness because of it. Cough. Runny Nose. Can't breathe. The works. Seriously, I'm so sensitive to cigarette smoke. I nearly DIED). I also met a guy this night. Well, this isn't really the first time I met him, but I actually conversed with him like a normal human being (instead of the regular, awkward, mumble-under-your-breath-when-you-think-a-boy-is-cute Theressa dealio).

Anyway, when I got home from the party that night (around 3:30am he called me and we were on the phone until like 5am...which I think is cute/random/cool/gossip-girl-status). He's pretty smart, or so I've concluded from our conversation. Smart boys rock my world.

In other news: I haven't heard from him since, so I don't have many other juicy details to offer about my non-existent dating/romantic relationship life (not even romantic relationship, just, like, guys-not-interested-in-you-just-as-a-friend-or-little-sister-life...do you know what I'm talking about?) My phone seriously gets more action than I do.

I am currently in the works of planning a trip to Ireland (that might happen)...a trip to New York during Christmas (just something to do) and a study abroad trip to Mexico during the summer (I really want to do this...stop judging me). Again, these are all just options to make my life a little bit more interesting than the life of my cell phone.

By the way, the short story I've been working on for a few weeks is almost complete. As soon as I'm done with my final draft (or the draft I will stop working on so I can call it "final," I will post it up on my blog for you to read).

The rest of my weekend wasn't very exciting,. I just wanted to tell you about that. Oh, a friend asked me if I'd sing at mass with her. She's sings by herself every week. I thought that was kind of cool. She thought it might be cool if I sang by myself on the weeks she couldn't make it. I'm not sure how I feel about that...or about singing in front of a bunch of people. I'm not even sure I'm that good. I don't want to break windows and shit, ya know?

Check out this journal I made for a class:


Gosh, I'm so creative it hurts, really.

Lol, ANYWAY. I don't want to completely lose your interest, so, I'm going to stop writing. I will try to continue to catch you up on my new rich, famous and lavish lifestyle...but I can't make too many promises.

Singing out,

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