Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Eye spy.

Yo baby, yo baby, yo.

Okay this morning, while I was on my way to school, I was driving down this one-laned-per-direction street and there was a school bus parked with the STOP sign out and lights flashing. There was a lady in front of me who was stopped, and so I stopped behind her. duh Anyways, I was stopped for like five minutes, and had I waited any longer I would have been late for school. I was totally confused about why everyone was stopped, and absolutely no one was crossing the street, so I drove around the lady. Okay, well as I drove past her she totally dogged me. Thinking to myself, I wondered why the lady was so visibly upset. So, I called my mom and she didn't know why either. Like five minutes later she called me back, and after talking to her co-worker, she told me that my driving around the lady was totally ILLEGAL & if a cop had been around, I would have received a ticket. Oh lordy, I hate school buses.

So, I finally had my eyeball check up today. I freaking waited in the exam room for like a good thirty minutes.

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I waited.

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&& waited.

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It's Raehan's birthday tomorrow, so I'm making him something tonight. I'll post a picture of it tomorrow after he sees it. && Oh, and here's a sneak peek of Jo's present.

I'll write more tonight because I've got a lot to tell you, but for now I've gotta run.UHG and I feel like a blimp today.

Yours truly,