Saturday, September 6, 2008

My Interesting, Anti-Social Life. HAH!


I don't even know where to start. I'm not sure what I was thinking on Thursday, but I completely forgot to mention that my cousin is back. Yes, she's back, back again (shady's back...). I guess I was just sort of bitterly indifferent toward the entire situation, which is why I was blocking it completely out of my mind by not writing about it. The whole situation is rather interesting (and I mean that in a bad way). I won't air out the laundry here though. Just know that she's back...

Oh, and I found out from one of my friend's little brothers that my super ex-boyfriend got fired from his job flipping burgers because he was drinking. I'm sure you can fill in all the blanks here (I mean, on who it is) Okay, you got me, it's Jack from Wendy's. Haha, small joke... It's funny how every single time something I have ceased thinking about (because I don't want to think about it) goes away, it somehow comes up again. It really is a small world. Stuff gets around, especially if it's your business that you don't want people to know.

This morning I passed my proficiency exam and will soon be an "assistant teacher" for LAUSD (Los Angeles Union School case you weren't sure!). Isn't that cool? I'm excited, well, kind of. After I took the test I went to visit Kaitlin and Cal Lutheran where we preceded to some cheesy tattoo place to get her lip pierced! Crazy, right? (The place was super cheesy, but the piercing is not). It looked like it hurt like hell. I was pretty scared. Although, I am a chicken shit, so, my opinions on things like these might not even matter too much. ...I was looking into getting my tattoo, also. I'm jut not ready yet though. If a time ever comes around that I feel ready, I'm gonna jump on it.


Ps. Aligning left for some excitement in my life. Amen, sister.

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