Monday, September 8, 2008

Just food for thought.

Dear Theressa,
I hate Monday mornings. I'm never taking a class that starts at 7 in morning, ever again. I thought it would be a piece of cake, but not so much. Every Monday through Thursday, I'm basically up and running by 5:30 AM. It's crazy, I'm crazy...

I'm very tired, but fully caffeinated. My mornings always begin with 3 cups of coffee. I'd drink 4, but my traveling mug only holds about 3. What a shame, don't you think? I'm planning on investing in a bigger traveling mug, but I think drinking 4 cups of coffee is a bit excessive.
I have a eye appointment tomorrow. Which means I get new glasses! Always a fun time. I'm taking my sister today because she's the re-re that lost her old pair. Seriously, how do you lose a pair of glasses? Whatever.
I'm a little disappointed. I stayed up last night to watch the VMAs, and it was so boring. Seriously, Britney didn't even perform. I guess MTV was feeling a bit frugal this year because there really wasn't much of a wow factor.
Whatever. I'm too delirious to think, I think I'll take a nap.

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