Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Nerdy Kick Boxing English Major!

Hola Chica,

I started my very own blog today. I even wrote something insightful. Did you read it? Besides that, I didn't leave my house today except to go to the gym. (I only have class Monday, Wednesday and Friday and am currently unemployed until LAUSD gets their act together). So, I'm not as big of a lazy ass as you think. I did cardio kick boxing and my gosh it was intense. I was dripping sweat. Cute, right? Oh, and it if makes you feel better I was working on a short story for my creative writing class most of the day. I have other homework to do for my other English class (reading a few poems are that several pages long) but, instead I am sitting here typing to you. I don't mind most of the English homework because I am a total nerd. As long as I don't have to do math, history or science I am a happy camper :]

Ps. Check out my "note" on facebook. It's fantastic.

Love, <3t.

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