Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My Cell Phone Gets More Action Than I Do.

Substitute lover? Uhm, yeah. I wonder if anybody else is wondering why you like that song so much. ::cough-cough:: Subliminal messages, anyone?

Did I mention I've been super busy? This org. stuff just may be taking over my life. I've been staying up super late, sleeping little, eating shitty and not exercising regularly like I normally do. Needless to say, I've made myself SICK. Yes, all the glamor of being an elite socialite diva comes with a price my dear friend. (It's been fun though...it's just so tiring).

[This is a side girly-note. I feel totally fat, dude. What are your thoughts on diet pills?...Just curious...don't you go assuming I am going to take them!...I hate when people assume...more on that later].

I'm sorry I've been neglecting this. Lemme catch you up on my weekend: I attended a birthday party on Friday (I was DD this night...oh, and I inhaled so much smoke that I'm pretty sure I got some kind of nose/throat illness because of it. Cough. Runny Nose. Can't breathe. The works. Seriously, I'm so sensitive to cigarette smoke. I nearly DIED). I also met a guy this night. Well, this isn't really the first time I met him, but I actually conversed with him like a normal human being (instead of the regular, awkward, mumble-under-your-breath-when-you-think-a-boy-is-cute Theressa dealio).

Anyway, when I got home from the party that night (around 3:30am he called me and we were on the phone until like 5am...which I think is cute/random/cool/gossip-girl-status). He's pretty smart, or so I've concluded from our conversation. Smart boys rock my world.

In other news: I haven't heard from him since, so I don't have many other juicy details to offer about my non-existent dating/romantic relationship life (not even romantic relationship, just, like, guys-not-interested-in-you-just-as-a-friend-or-little-sister-life...do you know what I'm talking about?) My phone seriously gets more action than I do.

I am currently in the works of planning a trip to Ireland (that might happen)...a trip to New York during Christmas (just something to do) and a study abroad trip to Mexico during the summer (I really want to do this...stop judging me). Again, these are all just options to make my life a little bit more interesting than the life of my cell phone.

By the way, the short story I've been working on for a few weeks is almost complete. As soon as I'm done with my final draft (or the draft I will stop working on so I can call it "final," I will post it up on my blog for you to read).

The rest of my weekend wasn't very exciting,. I just wanted to tell you about that. Oh, a friend asked me if I'd sing at mass with her. She's sings by herself every week. I thought that was kind of cool. She thought it might be cool if I sang by myself on the weeks she couldn't make it. I'm not sure how I feel about that...or about singing in front of a bunch of people. I'm not even sure I'm that good. I don't want to break windows and shit, ya know?

Check out this journal I made for a class:


Gosh, I'm so creative it hurts, really.

Lol, ANYWAY. I don't want to completely lose your interest, so, I'm going to stop writing. I will try to continue to catch you up on my new rich, famous and lavish lifestyle...but I can't make too many promises.

Singing out,

Monday, September 29, 2008


Real quick:
- I ran into in-n-out's little broseph this weekend. Apparently, his own family dk's what's up with him. Maybe he'll just fall off the face of the planet. From what I hear, he's dating some really fug chick. But that's just what I've heard.
- My life has become one big game of Telephone. It's juvenille, I know. But IDGAF.
- I went to a group interview for Apple today. I have different job interview tomorrow. I need a job, preferably one that does not require work on the weekends. I'm a busy girl, T. I don't have time for shenanigans. K, maybe I'll be hip/artsy and photograph my life tomorrow.

I leave you with this song. I've loved it ever since the day I heard it.

Jesus Saves.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

What? You're welcome?

Miss Giammarco,

How are you? I'm fine & I think I'll call you later.

First, I am inclined to highlight my new love of your current phone answering techniques. I think the rate of times I will be calling you, from now on, will grow exponetially over the next few weeks.

Second, I have more than enough tests today, the first of which began at 6:00am this morning and the next is will begin at 10:00am. I really should be studying right now, but I don't feel like it. Partly because I think I totally biffed my Stats test this morning, and it's totally bringing me down.

Third, I'm coming home this weekend, maybe if you're lucky I'll call you. We'll see if our planets align, and I'll get back to you.

Fourth, at 4:55 early this morning I achieved an all time high of 5 cups of coffee in one sitting. Awesome right? I'm pretty sure I'll die soon, so consider this my last goodbye. Haha ...

And lastly, I'm trying out these new contacts and I feel like I'm going cross eyed. They might be a little strong or it might be because they're new. Either way, I feel like my eyes are moving in different directions.

So, with that I must bid you adieu with the hopes of gathering enough will power to study for my next exam.

But before I go, a quote from Yasi to last you the rest of the day,

"all that really matters is how good you are at being a human being"

Yours truly,
Clara Q.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Invite? What?

I've been really busy. If you call me, you'll find out why.

I don't have much energy or heart to write about things right now.

I'll tell you one thing though, it kind of sucks that I didn't get to hang out with you guys this weekend...mainly because I wasn't invited. Cool.

Theressa Nicole

Monday, September 22, 2008

So weird because it's so true.

Yo T,
Sorry I've been so MIA. It's been an interesting weekend. Remember what we talked about via aim. Remember how you said everything was going to go back to the way it was. Well, it did and it didn't. And now I'm at a crossroads, where neither path seems safe. Funny thing is, I got this horoscope today.
And it's true. I have been just making my decisions based on what I feel would benefit others. You know that, just as well as I do. So now what the fuck am I supposed to do? Think of myself, think of myself. It's so selfish. But I need to be selfish because I've been selfless for so long now. We all need a little spice in our lives, and maybe mine comes in the form of selfishness.

So anyways, my weekend went a little like this. I hung out at her house on Friday. It was nice because I was able to see people I haven't seen in ages. Then I kicked it with these bitches on Saturday && I loved it. Freaking, it was like an ND reunion. Craze.

We ended up at some gangsta's paradise shit, parked in front of a warehouse on Roscoe. So we peaced out. It was a pretty eventful weekend. Yes, mos def a weird weekend. But I think it was something I needed.

Did you hear about DJ AM&Travis Barker? CRAZY. I hope they'll get better real quick. I have two test this week. My professors are the types to give 3 big tests during the semester and 1 final. I hate it when it's like that. Don't you? Drives me bananas. I didn't sleep well last night. I think I'm developing a sleeping problem.

But that's okay, right? I can sleep when I'm dead. HA.

kbye, -C$ ! hahaha. jk.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

.Ray Ban woMan.

I can't wear shoes like that. I can't do the whole self-inflicted-pain-thing (not physically, anyway...ugh). Anyhow, I don't really have much to complain about, except for the fact that I still haven't started will LAUSD. It feels like the hiring process has taken months.

I had a meeting with the Sonnies today (the Sigma Omega Nu sisters...). It went pretty well, but I'm not allowed to talk about anything yet (it's all confidential). So, I will let you know about everything that's going on soon ;].

Check out these sunglasses my dad found at the wedding in San Diego. (Note: It was on the naval base and there were several hot marine boys there...and now I own one of their lost sunglasses...heh).

Check my kicks.

Dear Theressa,

So, I'm coming home this weekend because my friend's getting married. I need shoes for said wedding and I came across these beautiful penis crushers on sale! I don't really know if they go with my dress, but I love them. So, I'm wearing them anyways. I'll be wearing them for the next two days, so that I don't die when I wear them to the wedding. Because seriously, check the heels on these badboys.

ok i love you bye.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Everything happens for a reason.

Yo T, I really think everything happens for a reason. I don't know about you, but I could be in the shittiest place in my life ever questioning why the universe is punishing me, or asking why God must play silly tricks on me, but at the end of the day, I honestly believe there is a reason for it. Everyone has shitty experiences, shady people, and fucked up decisions that color their pasts. And because I'm not perfect, as much as I may seem to be (LOLZ /jk.), I too have my share of mistakes. But, I think it's what we do after we make the mistake that makes the difference. In regards to the mistake, it doesn't matter how horrible or how insignificant it is, it's the following actions that matter. I, personally, may dwell on certain issues for particularly extended amount of time, but that's just how I processes things... You know? One step at a time.

And as stupid as horoscopes may be, I love them. Ever since the fourth grade when I got my hand on my very first teenie bopper magazine, horoscopes have been my guilty pleasure. Yes, I am a Catholic, and yes, my grandmother will tell you horoscopes come from the devil, but I don't care. I like them. & In light of recent events, I've received some very unusual invitations for this coming weekend. This horoscope, in so little words, says so much & it's a little creepy. I think my lucky stars are lining up.
Hugs & Biatches,
Miss Clarizzy

P.S. My leg muscles, eye muscles, and sometimes my arm muscles are twitching uncontrollably. I think its the massive amounts of coffee I'm drinking every morning. smh


I'm just going to throw out there that I don't think it's a good idea to become addicted to a person. Relationships seem to be a catch-22 like that though...hm.

Just thought I'd give you some food for thought (from the single point of view).


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I can be your addiction if you wanna get hooked on me.

Hi Shaniqua.

I've been working diligently on Joleena's masterpiece. I think my mom is going to kill me for getting spray paint on the driveway. I'll post it when I finish and it's in her hands.

You're rushing? You're rushing for a latina house? AWESOME. Tell me how that goes.

New book? I read the Twilight series, thanks to Jo ... and I've been lazy to read something else. I'm still riding the Twilight wave.

Anyways, so Shaniqua called me. In a nutshell, I think everything is going to be alright. It's not going to happen overnight, but one step at a time.

I'll edit this later. && disregard my previous post, the one before nikki's bday one, i was just emo-ting.

With love,

P.S. And I'm totally coming home this weekend.

Back to BACK!

Dear Nikki,

HAPPY MOTHER FUCKING BIRTHDAY! Hope I( clariz) see you this weekend!

(&& I think it's really sad that the only picture I have of you is from high school.)

Have fun today! MAN UP, You're not a teenager anymore.

We love you,
Theressa & Clariz

Sigma Omega Nu and Shaniqua.

Did I mention I was rushing a sorority? (And them pledging if I get a bid). I think that's the right terminology, but I'm not positive. Anyway, they're called Sigma Omega Nu and they're pretty much the shit. They're a Latina interest group based off of: culture (of course), education and sisterhood (in any order). I had an interview last night at 6 that made me totally nervous. It was in the third floor of the library in this pretty big study room and all the girls (actually, sisters...but not NUNS...cause I know that's what you were thinking...) kind of sat at the round table to ask questions/take notes...(kind of intense). Oh, and should mention it was like 800 degrees and some of the girls were sweatin' bullets? Ack. Anyway, I think I did pretty well. I'll be a little disappointed if I don't get asked back to pledge, but, such is life, right? I guess that'll just mean that I'm not supposed to be in a sorority. I won't boo-hoo over it though.

I'm reading a book called Fourth Comings right now. It's the fourth in a series. This girl, named Jessica Darling, journals about her life from the time she is in high school til the time she graduates from college. It's pretty interesting, I guess. I mean, I can definitely relate (since high school isn't that far in the past and we're currently LIVING in our college sin..I mean, lives, ha). If the ending is disappointing I am going to be very, very sad because that's a-thousand-and-change pages I will never be able to get back.......so many hours of my life. I will let you know what I think of the end. <33.

In other news: well, there really isn't any other news as of yet this week. But, it's only Tuesday. I'm pretty sure I'm goin' out to dinner with a cutie on Wednesday. More about that later.....

You need to tell me about your special phone call, by the way. Might as well just air it out here. We'll call her...Shaniqua ;]. I really like that name, yo. Lol. Just kidding.


Monday, September 15, 2008

Should you let your past affect your present?

Maybe we like the pain. Maybe we're wired that way. Because without it, I don't know; maybe we just wouldn't feel real. What's that saying? Why do I keep hitting myself with a hammer? Because it feels so good when I stop.

Dear Dynamite,
Why do I make decisions based primarily on what I think the other person would benefit from the most? I don't really think about myself, and I hope that the other person will think like I do and instead do what is best for me, and not themselves. Why? It's like a recipe for disappointment.

I know what I want, but I know it's not possible.

I think, now more than ever, the truth is so overrated and all people are fundamentally selfish. I know I am.

With love,

From Ketchup with Love,

Dear Joleena,
We would like to wish you a very Happy Birthday!!!

MAN UP, You're not a teenager anymore!

Hope you have an amazing day! We Love you!

Theressa & Clariz

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Time is $$$.

I love that commercial. When my mom first saw it, she didn't think it was Naomi. Like, it's so weird. Why Naomi? At first I was like, wtf? why are there lizards, but then I realized it was Sobe. So what are you going to say? That the commercial is a prime example of how technology is erasing the sense of personal togetherness. Because really, as technology connects us to people around the world, it forces you to disconnect with those around you. Naomi didn't even have to work with another person, she's working with cgi animation. But who cares? It's a cute commercial.

Check what I made. It's a little very ghetto, but I made it & therefore I love it. It's a SHOE!

So, last Thursday was my Raehan's birthday. The big two-o, son. I told him turning 20 has the same effect as when you turn 12. The "Close but no cigar" quota. So, after school he came by, picked me up, and I kicked it in Sactown for the majority of the weekend. It was nice. I finally got to see my boyfriend after like a freaking month. Seriously, he's like an hour and thirty minutes away from me, but our schedules are so crazy. It's a little sad.

We went to San Francisco yesterday. I always know what poses are the most lady like. & P.S. check the skinny Santa behind me.

His parents went suit shopping for his dad, and so Raehan and I just sat in the square. I sipped the most pretentious cup of hot chocolate. It was primarily comprised of foam. Anyways, as we were sitting in the square thingy, look what we saw.

YES. Then after this one girl was like walking around in her costume and, to our surprise, underneath all that tulle was her very visible THONG. I couldn't get a picture because of this one guy who kept following her around standing behind her, probably to block my picture taking. It was pretty funny. All the old creepers were bending over backwards to get a sneak peek at her shit.

Oh well, tomorrow is Monday.

&& You know what they say, another day another dollaaaa.

HOLLA haha.
(Jk) hugs&kisses,

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Weird Sobe Lizard Naomi Campbell Commercial

Tell me what it is you make of this:


I swear this commercial blows my mind every time I watch it. It's so...strange. By the way, I'm using it for my Popular Culture Class. We're doing a presentation where we have to analyze some kind of video advertisement. Cool, right?


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Teenie-sitter. Cool.

I made $35 babysitting for a few hours today. I'm such an entrepreneur.

In other news: I have a math quiz tomorrow that I'm not worried about one bit (note: this is very, very strange).

My parents are leaving in the morning for San Diego. They're going to a wedding on the naval base over there and will be gone all weekend. Don't get too excited though, I can't have any fun because I have a kid. I sixteen-year-old kid that I just so happen to call my cousin. Deanna. Yes, sir. It's really not that much of a burden, it's just awkward at this point. Ya know? My mom was going to have one of her friends stay her all weekend to "watch" Deanna, but I thought that was totally weird. I don't want some weird person in my house all weekend, and so, I opted (out of the kindness of my compassionate heart) to babysit...teensit. Whatever.

By the way, I meant to tell you that I was uninvited to the wedding my parents are going to attend. This, of course, is not because they thought I would be a heinous guest or anything, but because the bride and groom overshot and guests (and how many people they thought would actually attend) when they sent out invitations. Therefore, they "uninvited" all the "kids." Yes, Cee, I am a twenty-one-year-old kid. Imagine that. How embarrassing that must be for them to retract invites? I'm kind of offended, too. I was looking forward to it!

Oh well, here's to a weekend in as a teenie-sitter. OMGOSH! COOLIO!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Eye spy.

Yo baby, yo baby, yo.

Okay this morning, while I was on my way to school, I was driving down this one-laned-per-direction street and there was a school bus parked with the STOP sign out and lights flashing. There was a lady in front of me who was stopped, and so I stopped behind her. duh Anyways, I was stopped for like five minutes, and had I waited any longer I would have been late for school. I was totally confused about why everyone was stopped, and absolutely no one was crossing the street, so I drove around the lady. Okay, well as I drove past her she totally dogged me. Thinking to myself, I wondered why the lady was so visibly upset. So, I called my mom and she didn't know why either. Like five minutes later she called me back, and after talking to her co-worker, she told me that my driving around the lady was totally ILLEGAL & if a cop had been around, I would have received a ticket. Oh lordy, I hate school buses.

So, I finally had my eyeball check up today. I freaking waited in the exam room for like a good thirty minutes.

Photobucket Image Hosting

I waited.

Photobucket Image Hosting

&& waited.

Photobucket Image Hosting

It's Raehan's birthday tomorrow, so I'm making him something tonight. I'll post a picture of it tomorrow after he sees it. && Oh, and here's a sneak peek of Jo's present.

I'll write more tonight because I've got a lot to tell you, but for now I've gotta run.UHG and I feel like a blimp today.

Yours truly,

Monday, September 8, 2008

Ay, bay bay. Happy Mondayyy. <3.


Did you really watch the VMAs? That's so disappointing. I didn't even know they were on until George mentioned it. I guess I kind of hide in a box in that regard (sometimes, I mean, you know, from the moronic television-ruining-television that our generation is hooked on today). What the fuck has happened to MTV, anyway. (Excuse my French). One Tree Hill is another story, even though that's pretty much becoming sketchy too. Nanny Carrie torturing Uncle Dan? It just screams crazy, cheesy daytime soap....you know what I mean, jelly bean?!

Anyway, I'm right with you on waking up way to early for class. It took me like an hour to get to CSUN this morning. Apparently some chick crashed her car and killed a bunch o' power lines. Cool, right? Except not. They were fixing them this morning as I was trying to leave and it cause MASSIVE TRAFFIC JAMS. It took be like 30 minutes just to get out of the SCV. Lame. This makes me want my own place in the valley SO BAD ('so bad' read with Minnesotan accent. Ha).

Uhm, I keep losing my train of thought because I'm sitting in the TV room where my parents, brother and cousins are having a conversation about my brother and the new car he plans on getting. Keyword is plan. (Note: Sometimes plans fail because life happens). Oh, and my cousin isn't talking. She's half asleep because she just woke up...and eating an apple. She made choir, which is good, because it'll give her something to live for. I'm serious, I meet that in the most unmean way possible, I promise. I am compassionate.

And finally, I took pictures of my outfit today just so you could see how cute I looked! [SIDE NOTE: My mom said if I want to catch a guy then I need to look cute when I go to school. It's kind of working, I guess. I keep crossing paths with this uber-cutie. I just don't know how to strike up a conversation with him. He was in a class I had, but then dropped because I got ahead of myself and was gonna take stuff for my English major I shouldn't be taking for a semester or two. Anyway, next time I see him I'm gonna say, "hi!" Last time I just sort of smiled. The time before that we just met eyes. It's a slow, slow process apparently. I don't know how people meet new people...especially if they're attracted to them, or whatever...yeah.


Just food for thought.

Dear Theressa,
I hate Monday mornings. I'm never taking a class that starts at 7 in morning, ever again. I thought it would be a piece of cake, but not so much. Every Monday through Thursday, I'm basically up and running by 5:30 AM. It's crazy, I'm crazy...

I'm very tired, but fully caffeinated. My mornings always begin with 3 cups of coffee. I'd drink 4, but my traveling mug only holds about 3. What a shame, don't you think? I'm planning on investing in a bigger traveling mug, but I think drinking 4 cups of coffee is a bit excessive.
I have a eye appointment tomorrow. Which means I get new glasses! Always a fun time. I'm taking my sister today because she's the re-re that lost her old pair. Seriously, how do you lose a pair of glasses? Whatever.
I'm a little disappointed. I stayed up last night to watch the VMAs, and it was so boring. Seriously, Britney didn't even perform. I guess MTV was feeling a bit frugal this year because there really wasn't much of a wow factor.
Whatever. I'm too delirious to think, I think I'll take a nap.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

My Interesting, Anti-Social Life. HAH!


I don't even know where to start. I'm not sure what I was thinking on Thursday, but I completely forgot to mention that my cousin is back. Yes, she's back, back again (shady's back...). I guess I was just sort of bitterly indifferent toward the entire situation, which is why I was blocking it completely out of my mind by not writing about it. The whole situation is rather interesting (and I mean that in a bad way). I won't air out the laundry here though. Just know that she's back...

Oh, and I found out from one of my friend's little brothers that my super ex-boyfriend got fired from his job flipping burgers because he was drinking. I'm sure you can fill in all the blanks here (I mean, on who it is) Okay, you got me, it's Jack from Wendy's. Haha, small joke... It's funny how every single time something I have ceased thinking about (because I don't want to think about it) goes away, it somehow comes up again. It really is a small world. Stuff gets around, especially if it's your business that you don't want people to know.

This morning I passed my proficiency exam and will soon be an "assistant teacher" for LAUSD (Los Angeles Union School District...in case you weren't sure!). Isn't that cool? I'm excited, well, kind of. After I took the test I went to visit Kaitlin and Cal Lutheran where we preceded to some cheesy tattoo place to get her lip pierced! Crazy, right? (The place was super cheesy, but the piercing is not). It looked like it hurt like hell. I was pretty scared. Although, I am a chicken shit, so, my opinions on things like these might not even matter too much. ...I was looking into getting my tattoo, also. I'm jut not ready yet though. If a time ever comes around that I feel ready, I'm gonna jump on it.


Ps. Aligning left for some excitement in my life. Amen, sister.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

McCain and Palin?

What it do, baby boo?

I'm watching the Republical National Convention right now. You know what? I think if everybody clapped a little less the conventions would be a hell of a lot shorter, ha. I'm serious! Anyway, I'm doing homework right now and really don't have much to say today at all. I'm just writing you so you don't think I forgot about you and cry like a poor little puppy dog.

T-dogg <3.

Word to your brother.

Hey T.

You know those times when you take a double take because you think you see someone you know? Well, that totally happend to me last Thursday in my Food&Nutrition class. Doesn't he look familiar? It's so weird, he even does that smirk thing. Who knew Alan had a brother? HAHA. I sure didn't. The first day of class, I was sitting next to my new friend Charmaine and he walked in. I seriously took a double take, like a stupid. Anyways, I started laughing because he totally reminded me of Alan. Charmaine didn't get it, so I showed her Alan's myspace. And she started tripping out too. So today during a break, I went outside and he happend to go outside too. And now, there is a proof that Alan Vitug 2.0 does exists. He's a bit shorter than Alan, but it's probably because he's an alien clone or something.
So, what's new with you? Didn't you start school yet?


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Marth Stewart is my idol & Domino is my favorite magazine

Yo T. Check it. So when I got home from school today, my uncle came over and helped me install my sister's curtains. Her room is almost done, thanks to me and my amazing interior designing skills. Chea right. Now all I have to do, is get her a poster or something to put over her bed. Tomorrow, I'm planning on putting up my curtain rods.

Anyways, guess what you get from a $2.00 picture frame, a can of gold spray paint, an old ART1 drawing from high school, and a little elbow grease? This piece of beautiful piece of fabulous.

Isn't it cute?

Seriously, my mom found it at some garage sale or something. It had some cracked out Monet print out in it and the frame itself was GREEN. But it wasn't even a cute green, it was like a dark, nasty, baby puke green. So yeah, now my mom has given me the green light to do this to all the frames going on the wall over my fireplace. Sexy yes? When everything is completed, I will for sure show you.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Nerdy Kick Boxing English Major!

Hola Chica,

I started my very own blog today. I even wrote something insightful. Did you read it? Besides that, I didn't leave my house today except to go to the gym. (I only have class Monday, Wednesday and Friday and am currently unemployed until LAUSD gets their act together). So, I'm not as big of a lazy ass as you think. I did cardio kick boxing and my gosh it was intense. I was dripping sweat. Cute, right? Oh, and it if makes you feel better I was working on a short story for my creative writing class most of the day. I have other homework to do for my other English class (reading a few poems are that several pages long) but, instead I am sitting here typing to you. I don't mind most of the English homework because I am a total nerd. As long as I don't have to do math, history or science I am a happy camper :]

Ps. Check out my "note" on facebook. It's fantastic.

Love, <3t.

Ikea my heart.

Dear Theressa,

First off, I love Ikea. If Ikea was a person, Ikea would be my best friend. I went with the hopes of buying a furniture for my sister's room. And our mission was successful. I'm still putting everything together, and I totally have battle scars from trying to piece everything together. I bought some curtains, and I'm planning on lining a wall with it. It should look amazing, I hope. I'll photo it when it's finished.

Did you watch One Tree Hill? I did.

So I had Stats this morning, and I stayed up all night doing the homework for it. But when I got to class, he noticed barely anyone did the assignment. SO he extended the due date till tomorrow. SO I stayed up for no reason. GAH, I was so upset. But at least now I have time to go over it, I guess. Oh well...

I, honestly, have no idea how to make this thing fancy. But I'm sure I can figure it out. It'll look fantastic.


P.S. Nice quote.

Monday, September 1, 2008

I don't wanna (be famous).

Querida Clariz,

Let me start off by saying I don't wish to be famous (not a famous singer, anyway). My youtube vid is silly, really. But, you do realize we're totally legitimate now that my face is up on yt and we have a blog? Right? (SARCASM) Sometimes I don't know what the world is coming to. I'm trying to make this photograph of myself my youtube icon, but I keep uploading it only to find a BLURRED image. FAIL. I'm not sure how to fix it. But how me is it? (AND LOOK HOW FANTASTIC MY SKIN LOOKS!)

Anyway, I hope nobody thinks my favorite film is Mean Girls when they read the profile you created. I mean, I'm sure everyone knows I watch Mean Girls after CSPAN. No, but for real.

Guess what? My parents totally ditched me today. They told me not to make plans so that we could all go out (wherever) and do something together. The two of them ended up going someplace on my dad's motorcycle. Seriously? So, here I am typing to you with only a few cares in the world and no friends to hang out with (considering I can count the number of friends I have on one hand...okay, a few fingers).

I don't have much else to say at the moment, but I am going to leave you with two things (a fantastic quote/a request since you're asian and can pimp out this blog schmee):

1. "We are who we pretend to be..." -Vonnegut
(One of my favorite quotes at the moment)

2. Uhm, ketchup should definitely be in quotes so that your intended pun will be caught by the less bright of the crayon box when they read our insightful thoughts. Cause we're "catching up"...hah. You're so clever, Clariz.

Ps. I'm personally electing you as the person to make this blog pretty. Amen.
Pps. Please post a picture of your fantastic hair. Thank you.


Popped my blog-cherry.

Dear Theressa,

First off, by Apple standards, your name is spelt incorrectly. So, you better get that checked. HA. So, I went to San Francisco today, but I did not tell you about the crazy I saw in the mall food court. I was sitting at my table, and from afar I heard a faint yell. But he got closer and what the crazy man was screaming became slightly more audible. I, honestly, thought he was saying "penis," but my sister said he was yelling some girl's name. So I thought he lost his kid, right? But no, not right. The little girl he was looking for was with her mom! What a freak. Seriously, everyone in the very crowded food court was quiet and staring at the guy. 

Anyways, it's pretty funny that both "Serious baby" and "Trip to the Philippines" come up as related videos. And here you go... Ladies and Gentlemen, a warm welcome to your very own Theressa G. (HAHA, you like that? You're like Kenny.)

You'll be famous one day, I just know it.
