Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Beeve.

Hi. I know you're really busy. So I won't take offense to your lack of responses. Play ketchup with school first. HAHA You're just going to have a lot of catching up to do with me, after.

Have you heard of Julian Beever? He's amazing. He draws on sidewalks. He's like Bert in Mary Poppins, but he's real! The RAIN, maaaaan. They said it was going to rain today. They said it will rain tomorrow, through Saturday and Sunday. How sad...What a soggy Halloween this year will be. I can hear the thunder and lightning, it actually drizzled a little earlier. Nothing to crazy, a light tinkle, if you will. But this thunder is literally shaking my house. God must be bowling up there in heaven. LOLERSAURUS.

So, Joleena got her cake last night.

Have I showed you the Minicake? Pretty cute right? I think I'm going a little crazy with these things. But, all these IDEAS. They're flooding my mind at the moment. I love it. It's a lot of fun.
I mean really.
Okay, well I have to drive to PartyCity for some last minute Halloween crap.

Word to Your Mother,

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