Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Baby you can have whatever you like.

Dearest T-Loveless, haha

Do you use the word "cute?" I use it everyday for describing just about anything. By Merriam-Webster's standard, "cute" can mean either:
1. clever or shrewd often in an underhanded manner
2. attractive or pretty especially in a childish, youthful, or delicate way
3. obviously straining for effect
So, technically, anything out of what is considered ordinary can in fact be described as "cute." Cute isn't just something soft, fluffy, and cuddley. It's anything "obviously straining for effect." That middle-aged mom who dresses like her 16 year old daughter, she's cute. A puppy is cute. Cute. It's a good word for describing things.

Moving on... So, I think JoleenaHTB is the only person that knows how much I love Clifford Joseph Harris Jr. It's like, he's so fucking cute. I don't know what it is. I never understood why boys where their hats so tilted to one side. Like, only one ear gets cold? I don't know. BUT, I just thought I'd share this. I really enjoy Chelsea Lately, I think she's mad hilarious. && Just look at T.I. and admire how freaking cute he is. I don't care if never really went to school, was a drug dealer, has 6 kids from different mothers, is a convicted felon and/or is going to jail. I don't care.

I hope you day is going well. I plan on mailing your cake on Monday.

Love always.