Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Beeve.

Hi. I know you're really busy. So I won't take offense to your lack of responses. Play ketchup with school first. HAHA You're just going to have a lot of catching up to do with me, after.

Have you heard of Julian Beever? He's amazing. He draws on sidewalks. He's like Bert in Mary Poppins, but he's real! The RAIN, maaaaan. They said it was going to rain today. They said it will rain tomorrow, through Saturday and Sunday. How sad...What a soggy Halloween this year will be. I can hear the thunder and lightning, it actually drizzled a little earlier. Nothing to crazy, a light tinkle, if you will. But this thunder is literally shaking my house. God must be bowling up there in heaven. LOLERSAURUS.

So, Joleena got her cake last night.

Have I showed you the Minicake? Pretty cute right? I think I'm going a little crazy with these things. But, all these IDEAS. They're flooding my mind at the moment. I love it. It's a lot of fun.
I mean really.
Okay, well I have to drive to PartyCity for some last minute Halloween crap.

Word to Your Mother,

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Just Don't pt. 2

I don't question people's political decisions because everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I feel that arguing with someone who doesn't share the same political views as yourself is pointless. "They," whomever they may be will always be wrong. Whatever you personally believe, someone out there will think you're wrong. But that's what makes an American, and American. Furthermore, I believe if you don't do anything at all then you're pointless.

Pass this on. Pay it foward. Doing something is better than doing nothing, at all. Sorry for ambushing this thing with blogs.

Yours truly,

Baby you can have whatever you like.

Dearest T-Loveless, haha

Do you use the word "cute?" I use it everyday for describing just about anything. By Merriam-Webster's standard, "cute" can mean either:
1. clever or shrewd often in an underhanded manner
2. attractive or pretty especially in a childish, youthful, or delicate way
3. obviously straining for effect
So, technically, anything out of what is considered ordinary can in fact be described as "cute." Cute isn't just something soft, fluffy, and cuddley. It's anything "obviously straining for effect." That middle-aged mom who dresses like her 16 year old daughter, she's cute. A puppy is cute. Cute. It's a good word for describing things.

Moving on... So, I think JoleenaHTB is the only person that knows how much I love Clifford Joseph Harris Jr. It's like, he's so fucking cute. I don't know what it is. I never understood why boys where their hats so tilted to one side. Like, only one ear gets cold? I don't know. BUT, I just thought I'd share this. I really enjoy Chelsea Lately, I think she's mad hilarious. && Just look at T.I. and admire how freaking cute he is. I don't care if never really went to school, was a drug dealer, has 6 kids from different mothers, is a convicted felon and/or is going to jail. I don't care.

I hope you day is going well. I plan on mailing your cake on Monday.

Love always.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Play the game.

GUESS WHAT?! They're in the mail! (Not yours, though, because I haven't painted it yet.) Sorry, you have to wait. HAHA. Oh well... So let me tell you about my very eventful day in a nutshell. I went to school, I did half of my homework, I went to the bank, I went to Michaels, I went to the POSTOFFICE, then I went home.

-___- Wow, my life is like a freaking movie. HAHA.

&& Yes, think I'm pretty lucky too. But it hasn't been all peachy keen, and you know just as well as I know what I'm talking about. And today while I was doing my homework with my study buddy, she asked me if I planned on marrying him. And I told her I hadn't given it much thought. She asked what the point was? But, the way I see it, I'm only 20 years old. I mean, there's no rush to get married or to get serious, like moving in status. I'm having fun and he complements my having fun, for the most part. Nowadays, I think a boyfriend shouldn't be all that you're about, he should complement you like a cute necklace.

Like, I plan on moving to the bay when I finish school, and I don't know what his plans are, but I know I want to move to the bay. When I told her that, she said, "Well, then you don't really love him." But, I don't measure my love based on how much time I spend with someone else. I mean, I'm only 20 and my view of "love" could just be an older version of puppy love. And after, what three years, people could ask what the point really is? But, I like where I am and I have my own plan for my life. I think that's important too, I mean my life doesn't revolve around him and I don't need to see him everyday. I have my own plans, and he has his own plans, and if at the end our plans mesh well, then good for us, and if not, then good game.

Don't worry T. You're not loveless, you're an emo-kid. Just kidding. All I'm saying is, you don't need a Mr. Right & you definately don't need a Mr. Right-now, either. Just go about your business, and if someone happens to comes along then great, by all means play, and if not, then that's one less thing to worry about.

Okay? Great. I have to get back to making these pieces of crap.

I love you,

Sunday, October 26, 2008

High School Lovers.

So, I'm just writing you today to let you know that you're very lucky to still be with your high school lover. And don't roll your eyes. I'm not, and look at where that currently leaves me. Yeah, pretty lame.

This does not mean I have any desire to be with him (my ex-high school lover) or to see him. I think I've seen enough from the few pictures I unfortunately stumbled across on facebook. But, I will admit that I do miss it. I miss what we had and what that represented, not him. I don't miss him. A lot of things have happened in the year he decided to disappear off the face of the Earth and not talk to me. I'm a different person and I refuse to take any steps backwards. I'm too intelligent for that, too strong for that.

So, my point is that you need to recognize how lucky you are, even through the good and the bad. Okay? If for anyone's sake, mine...

A Lover-less Girl (Who Wants to Make Sure Her Friends Recognize What They've Got).

Ps. I'm really excited about the cupcake! :]

Friday, October 24, 2008

Don't worry about the calories for these cakes.

Are you cupcake`n it? T, you want one? Join my promoting posse?
K Love you bye.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


how the heck did you make gold frosting like that??!

ps. will update soon.

Cuz my nats too thick.

Quick recap:

Thursday, October 16: Raehan and I went to Rob's house to celebrate his birthday. Got to see everyone. Oh remember, that night when I was like omg someone just called me and said you gave them my number. It was thanks to the biatch on the right in the Hardaway jersey.
Saturday, October 18: I went to LA with Raehan and my cousin. Then we kicked it old school in Northridge Mall. (HAHA) We ate. We went to Raisa's house, then to Raehan's sister's apartment, then to Ethan's condo. Yeah, then back to Valencia ... I didn't get home till fucking 4:30 in the morning.

We drove back on Sunday, and here I am today. Another Tuesday... I think Tuesdays don't get a enough credit, I mean sandwiched between Monday and Humpday., I'm pretty sure they get the shitty end of that stick. Anyways, my statistics class is seriously kicking my ass. I don't know up from down in that class. My class airs everyday on the education channel at 5:00 PM.

I saw llamas today, well I first saw them yesterday, and they are so adorable. I pass them on my way to work.Are you still rushing? What ever happened to you long lost cousin?

I'll get back to you with a more exciting update, in a bit. K love you bye.


P.S. Speaking of being creative, look what I made. Want one?

Who ever said you can't have your cake and eat it too, clearly didn't know claracakes!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


McCain Hater? Wow. I don't even know what to say. I kind of watch to punch Hayden what's-her-face in the face thought. That bitch has always had perfect skin and she does those stupid ACNE commercials. Gosh, she should just die.

Anyway, life is good, I can't really complain. Except, I've been getting bloody noses like every morning. Every single morning. What the hell? I'm hoping I have a brain tumor so I just die or something.

I'm in a seriously shitty mood. This new org. crap has really been time consuming and I'm so scared of just failing out of college and losing all my friends and family. Should I stay or should I go now? If I go there will be trouble....if I stay there will be double (for me).

Anyway, I'm gonna stop writing before the screen catches on fire from my evil glare at what I'm typing.

I still love you though,
Theressa Nicole Hates The World Sometimes and Stupid People. Amen.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Team McPalin.

HA. Thought this might get a chuckle out of you. Hope your day is going well! I'm totally procrastinating right now, I should be studying for my Nutrition exam & getting my Statistics lab completed, but I'm not.

I don't know if you watch MTB, you probs don't, but I do and I'm super bummed that Aubrey and D.Woods were kicked out.

It's already Wednesday. Happy humpday. Hope your day is better than yesterday.

Hugs not Drugs,

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I'm feeling a little under the weather. I heard about the fires. Are they near your home? I was sitting in class yesterday and my teacher totally called me out. You see, we always go over our homework before we turn it in. So he asked the class, "Does anyone have any questions regarding the homework?" pause "Clara, do you have any questions?" Oh my god, I died. I felt all the blood rush to my face. It was horrific. Kind of.

I don't know what the plans are for my weekend coming up. I didn't go to work today. I didn't go to school today. I should be doing my homework. But eh. It's only Tuesday.

Have you ever wondered where the nuggets are on a chicken? Well Banksy found the answer.


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Long lost relatives.

So, I found out last night that one of my pledge sisters is related to me. I'm serious. She's my first cousin. Her mom and mom my are sisters...It's a long story why her and I have never met, but right now that's not even the point.

We were having a conversation about how fucked up our families are and exchanging stories/bonding or whatever. I asked her where she lived when she went home and where her brothers were living and she brought up foster care and the system. This prompted me to share stuff about the new addition to our family that moved into our house and out of the social care system...I dropped a few names, like, my "cousin" deanna and aunt veronica..At this point Connie had just been listening to the story and being nice and at least pretending to pay attention, but all of the sudden she got really interested and said, "What, what's the last name?" and I said..."Pena..." And she was like, "Oh my god, veronica is my mom!" Then she started to cry, which made me cry and I hugged her and said "We should really be on a reality t.v. show."

Totally random, right? I was in shock last night for a really long time after the fact. It's weird too because I knew my aunt had a daughter named Connie...and I always thought she looked so familiar (my pledge sister)...I just never put two and two together...but last night is just clicked. I don't even know what else to say about it. But how small is the world? And it's funny how fate steps into your life sometimes...isn't it? [By the way, this is totally the kind of drama people like to read in blogs...and we're for reals making it, Lol].

That's all for now,

Ps. I apologize if the story is super jumbled, I've told it too many times at this point and don't have the energy to type a memoir right now but I really wanted to let you know this, Lol.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Très bien.

Yo BZ.
Have I showed you my longest lasting feeshies? I'm happy to introduce to you Don Juan (has a retarded eye) & Reako Suave (has spots). [*but i know you can't see that in this picture] I have to say, they're pretty awesome seeing as on the weekends that I leave for LosAnjealous, they don't get fed. I just leave them a fish fruit salad (i.e. grapes & oranges) and hope and pray they're still alive when I get home. I'm sure on some level that's animal cruelty, but they're still alive.
I am also learning how to speak French. I was in Barnes and Noble and I saw it. It reminded me of that time last last summer when we had lunch at Toi, and that bitchy guy invited himself, and he kept complaining about our topic of conversation, remember? You had a learn to speak Spanish CD set in your car. Yeah. Now we match. It's pretty funny, there's like really cheesy music but I like it. I feel like I'm learning something. It's what I listen to during my 30 minute drive to work during the week.
Please check the dust that is currently encompassing my vehicle. It's freaking nasty, I really need to get a carwash. I thought I'd just share that with you.
So as I was lurking online, I stumbled across this. I think I want them. I think I want them really badly. Sheep stools? Très bien. Très bien.

Let's dance. TTYL.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I've been sick for like a week. I'm pretty sure my lack of sleep/eating right/exercise/love/everything isn't helping much.

I feel so fat. I'm pretty sure I'm going to buy diet pills and start taking them ASAP. Probably on Thursday since I won't have any time to do it tomorrow....

I finally started work. Tomorrow will be my third day and I will have completed 15 hours for the week. Thank goodness. I'm so tired!

Obama is on in the background right now...I'm watching the debates that I taped earlier...expect, he's so loud that I want to throw something at him (not at the television, but at him). He's talking about health care...blah blah blah. I'm so sick of hearing it.

Where are you? I really need you to write to me!

Love you, miss you, write to me!
Theressa Nicole <3.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Derby.

I don't drink coffee...actually, I happen to think it tastes like dirt.

Anyway, I'm going to The Derby tonight (it's a club off of Los Feliz) for a party that a sorority from another school is holding. It's called "Sunnie Delight." The Girls are from Sigma Omega Nu, or they call themselves the sunnies. Isn't that cute? Aw.

That's all for now.

Please stop being a caffeine addict,
Theressa Nicole

Just don't.

Dear Theressa,

Pay it foward && pass this on.

Anyways, I got a new job. It's in the middle of nowhere. My boss is italian. I pass a cheese factory on the way there and it smells like feetsies.

My latest creation. It's not very original, and they remind me of the counseling office at ND, but I think they're cute.

I've noticed that my 4-5 cups of coffee four days a week is slowly killing me. You can now add shaking hands to my list of side effects. I think I need to cut back, maybe on Monday I'll try 3 cups max. Seriously. I'm not eating/sleeping properly.

Don't drink coffee,
Clara Q.