Saturday, November 1, 2008

Parte Dos.

I've never hear of that guy that draws on sidewalks. That's pretty cool actually. I wonder what he does for a living...not that I don't think drawing on sidewalks isn't a real job, but, I'm genuinely curious.

Okay, more updating: I'm currently obsessed with Thai iced tea and writing haikus...I think I might be getting Asian-fied on you. No worries, I check the mirror like every five seconds to see if my eyes have gotten any squintier. Lol, just kidding. If you didn't know me you'd probably think that was some kind of racial slur. Gosh, our blog is so racy....

My cousin ran away again, and I don't think my mom is going to let her come back. Yesterday a few friends came to pick me up so we could head to Santa Barbara and the deputy showed up at the same time so my mom could file a report. I was so embarrassed, Clariz. So, that's that for righ now, but I will keep you posted.

Hm. What else? I'm pretty sure I'm all caught up on school work. This semester seems to be going pretty well, grades wise. There are only like 5 weeks or something crazy like that left. Thank goodness.

Basically, since I dropped the sorority I've just been trying to get back on my feet, back into the swing of my normal life with the awesome friends I have right now. It'll be two weeks tomorrow...and they say it takes half the time of the length of something to get over it, right? So, I guess that means I will be over it tomorrow! Haha....

That's mainly why I haven'y been updating, I have been so overwhelmed Clariz, with my own thoughts especially. I just feel like I'm in a transition point in my, I'm becoming too much of an's weird, scary, different, something I've never felt before. But I'm handling it. I'm all sprinkles and cupcakes.

That's all for now, I need to shower and get cute so I can look normal again, haha. Otherwise people are going to think I'm a bum for Halloween!!

Love you,
Theressa Nicole <3.

Ps. I can't wait to get my 'lil cupcake!!!! :]

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