Tuesday, November 25, 2008

La Vida Loca.

You know, I never read twilight...but, I did go to see the movie. I'm not going to lie to you...I was a little disappointed (only because sometimes I had no idea what was going on). Anyway, I have no been inspired to actually read the books. Great, right? Maybe I can get to them over Christmas Break?

I have been so busy with finals stuff coming on. I'm actually procrastinating on writing a paper right now. Well, kind of. It's due tomorrow (5 pages..) and so far I have three and a half...almost four. It's a math paper, actually. I'm taking this class called math ideas where you learn about the theories and history of math. I know it sounds super boring (that's because it is!) but it's so much better than having to do actual math problems. Keep in mind that I'm an English major. Amen.

Anyway, you're cupcake looks super cute hanging from my rear view mirror, FYI! Remind me again how much they cost...I need to put in some custom orders ASAP.

When are you gonna be back down here??

Theressa Nicole

Ps. Read my blog...and, there is kind of a boy situation right now. He's into me..I'm into him...I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens, right? He works at the Starbucks Alan used to work at....dun dun dun!


Monday, November 24, 2008

My addicted.

Dear Theressa,

Twilight. I've got twilight fever, just like every other girl who's read the novels and/or seen the movie. It's sad. It's embarrassing. But I dgaf. HAHA. School is over in 2 weeks. Who's excited? I AM! No more waking up at the ass crack of dawn. No more having to drink massive amounts of coffee to stay awake. I am so excited. I got my snowboard. It's pretty cute. Other than that, my life has been bit underwhelming.

Anything poppin on your end? ANY Boys??

Just x's, no o's,

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Yum, cupcakes! :]


Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I have too much going on this week. I've got a test tomorrow, paper due on Friday. UGH SF WITH NIKKKAY. ;] && cupcake orders. I'm seriously swimmin in them. Lol naaat. HAHA. But yeah, I like this pace. My toast is having some technical difficulties, but I'll work it out. I'm sure of it.
I'll update you when I have time to breathe.
So sorry for ze chode post.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


I just spent a little too much money at Victoria's Secret. My gosh, I love that store. My mom (yes, my mom) bought me two dresses, too. Next week we're going to see Wicked and we're dressing up! Exciting right? Maybe I'll post pictures of the dresses later. One is turquoise and the other is red...(and can double as a Christmas dress in the coming season).

Uhm....I've been pretty happy lately (aside from the puppy business). I need to tell you about my new love interest. He's actually interested in me. Weird, right? I mean, maybe the stars aligned in my favor for once.

How much are you loving the cold weather?

Love you,

Ps. I hope you're feeling better, boo.

Friday, November 7, 2008

The wrong side of the bed.

My dear,

I woke up irritated. Luckily, I worked alone for the majority of the day. It's so strange. The sound of people's voices made my skin crawl. Stupid questions made me want to throw up. Small talk just wasn't my cup of tea, today. I can't explain it. It's like, I'd ask "Really?" to anything and everything, because deep down I really didn't care for 95% of it. If there was a way of avoiding whatever predicament, and the measures were not taken to avoid it, I really didn't care.
It's probably PMS. It's probably mother nature. It's probably because, deep down, I'm really just a bitch.

I'll write on this tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll be in a better mood.


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Wuddup, sucka!

I finished my work, yo. I feel so relived. You know, I'm not really sure why I type "yo" on this blog or in text messages...I don't say "yo" in real life. Not that I don't think blogging is "real life." Lol.

Uhmmmm, anyway. I feel very relieved. Five weeks of work in one night is never a good idea. My friend Raechel and I went to INO afterwards to reward ourselves... (and to be fatties, whatev).

I'm checking the weather right now to see if it's going to be cold enough for my to wear a really cute beanie my grandma made....yeah, it'll be alright. I'm wearing it.

That's all I have to say for now. I'm tired. So tired, in fact, that I have not watched One Tree or Grey's this week! :( Bummer.....but I did get a big fatty paycheck.

Kay, love you, write me...


Aw, beeebz. I'm so sorry. I know how that feels. ;[ & how much it really sucks.

Here's something that might cheer you up. I loled a little, kudos to you if you lol too. Sarah Palin is just too cute for words.

Yours truly,

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I had to put my puppy down today.
My brain hurts, Clariz.
I don't even know what else to say.
I will read your post below this one later...

Love you,

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Indecision 2008.

Dear Theressa,

Tuesday will be the day that starts the change that America desperately needs. Change, Theressa. I'm not saying who will instigate that change, but America needs change.

In the 1970s, President Richard Nixon tried to stimulate a failing economy by overspending. Regardless of the rising unemployment, the high interest rates, and extreme inflation, he chose to spend money, that frankly, America just didn't have. His successor, Jimmy Carter tried to fix things but really his efforts did not accomplish much. In 1981, Ronald Reagan became the president. The country was in a dire need of salvation.

November 4, 2008 will get the ball rolling towards change. I promise you, regardless of who wins, everything will get worse. Tax cuts? Not going to happen, and shouldn't happen. Thanks to the wonderful Bush administration, America is currently $10,543,252,523,280.04 in debt, and it will continue to grow. The economy is going to hit rock bottom before it can get any better, and if you think differently, in this case, I feel it's necessary to show you the light. There will be an economic crisis, saying that there will not be one is a completely asinine assertion, and you can thank the entire EVERYONE in political power. It isn't just the Republicans, it isn't just the Democrats. Thus, it is important to take into consideration who can steer the country in a direction that isn't the same direction as President Bush.

(Honestly, I don't hate President Bush, and I think people who say otherwise are wrong. There is a team behind him, there is a large group of people who help decide what happens in this country. It's a democracy, there's checks-and-balances. It's not all Bush. He shouldn't be hated, it's not his fault lacks eloquence, an ability to articulate words, and intelligence. )

The chance of an economic crisis is not dependant on who wins this election. Tax cuts and bailouts will not help our economy. We need to do as Margaret Thatcher did. We need a "U-TURN." We need higher taxes and higher interest rates, among other things, to pay for the past 8 years.

History is bound to repeat itself. President Bush is our Nixon. Who will be our Reagan? It was Reagan who asked, and I ask you now, "If not now, when? If not us, who?"
You're truly,

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Parte Dos.

I've never hear of that guy that draws on sidewalks. That's pretty cool actually. I wonder what he does for a living...not that I don't think drawing on sidewalks isn't a real job, but, I'm genuinely curious.

Okay, more updating: I'm currently obsessed with Thai iced tea and writing haikus...I think I might be getting Asian-fied on you. No worries, I check the mirror like every five seconds to see if my eyes have gotten any squintier. Lol, just kidding. If you didn't know me you'd probably think that was some kind of racial slur. Gosh, our blog is so racy....

My cousin ran away again, and I don't think my mom is going to let her come back. Yesterday a few friends came to pick me up so we could head to Santa Barbara and the deputy showed up at the same time so my mom could file a report. I was so embarrassed, Clariz. So, that's that for righ now, but I will keep you posted.

Hm. What else? I'm pretty sure I'm all caught up on school work. This semester seems to be going pretty well, grades wise. There are only like 5 weeks or something crazy like that left. Thank goodness.

Basically, since I dropped the sorority I've just been trying to get back on my feet, back into the swing of my normal life with the awesome friends I have right now. It'll be two weeks tomorrow...and they say it takes half the time of the length of something to get over it, right? So, I guess that means I will be over it tomorrow! Haha....

That's mainly why I haven'y been updating, I have been so overwhelmed Clariz, with my own thoughts especially. I just feel like I'm in a transition point in my life...like, I'm becoming too much of an adult....it's weird, scary, different, something I've never felt before. But I'm handling it. I'm all sprinkles and cupcakes.

That's all for now, I need to shower and get cute so I can look normal again, haha. Otherwise people are going to think I'm a bum for Halloween!!

Love you,
Theressa Nicole <3.

Ps. I can't wait to get my 'lil cupcake!!!! :]

Sorry, Charlie!

First of all, check my blog schmee...I put a new poem up! [And it's quite fantastic if I do say so myself.Second, check out how fantastic I look right now..... I went to Santa Barbara last night for Halloween nonsense....wow, I don't even know what to tell you. Have you ever been? People are insane, Clariz. And our generation seems to be wasting away their youth getting drunk or stoned.

Anyway, my hair is in a huge rats nest, I sort of have a headache and basically don't feel completely normal the morning after. This is great, especially since I have people coming over for my "After-Halloween Party" in a couple of hours....Lol. Oh, wow, I'm a hypocrite. It's not like you or I have ever been so drunk out of our minds that we turn into hookers though, you know what I mean? Of course you do, I don't need to justify my party. I'm 21-years old. I'm allowed to party it up on occasion. That makes me remember this time a few days ago when this 17-year old guy in my English class said that 21 was the age of self-destruction when your life spirals out of control...and then you become an adult. After he opened his big trap, I told him how old I was. He was ashamed, as he should me... :]

Side note: Our car got towed last night and my friends and I had to walk a ridiculous amount to go get it out, and then cough up $400...cute, right? Oh, and something else happened that I need to tell you about but can't blog about! ;] It's ironic that you were talking about Mr. Right, Mr. Right now and your whole boyfriend sitch. We need to chat about that.

Moving on....I bought this super cute dress at Forever 21 [the huge new one in SCV] and I had to share it with you. I'm in love with it, no really. When I was 5 or 6 I had a Guess dress that had the cutest floral print on it, my mom gave it away as a hand-me-down and I've been trying to recreate it ever since...I was seriously in love with this dress...it was my favorite thing in the entire WORLD! I have nowhere to wear it yet, but something should come up, right? Fate and destiny will align so I can wear my dress somewhere perfect! :] I took a pic of the pattern up close, too. Sorry the pictures are such poor quality...I'm so lazy right now and I'm just using my MacBook's lil camera! <3.

I'm gonna post this right now, but it's not finished. I was a little overwhelmed with all you had posted so I only read your first post and then needed to post my first half before I forgot everything that's inside my pretty little head that I felt I needed to tell you.

Go read the other half now!! :]
Theressa Nicole <3.