Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Been busy.

Oh my gosh, I've been so busy. Finals are insane. So far I have 3/5 of my grades...all A's!!

This "boy" as you say is now my boyfriend, actually. Funny how you don't update a blog for a short while and a few weeks later have an actual boyfriend. Like one that is alive..and nice...and breates, eats and sleeps! Anyway, his name is Frankie. I met him at school, well, technically through friends at school. I really don't know what else to say. It's a blog. And we've been dating for like a week, haha. He makes me happy and that's all that really matters right now, right? He's one of those right-under-your-nose types. We were both right there and neither of us noticed each other because we were too busy fooling around and trying to make things work with losers. Such is life, right?

Christmas and New Years are coming...are you ready?

I hope you feel better, boo. I know today was pretty hard for you. I'm sorry and I wuv you <33.


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