Thursday, February 12, 2009

Just a little ridiculous.

Me too. I know it's been over a month but... Well, how much do you hate the new law about not texting? Stupid law makers, they should have done that first, and then banned talking on the phone second because when you text you have to completely take your eyes off the road, but if you're just talking at least you're still looking. What a bunch of idiots.

Idk, there's a lot going on in my life right now. But I can't really go into much detail. I'll holler at you one of these days to fill you in. It's vajday on Saturday, are you doing anything sexy? Anything having to do with chocolates? And candles? hahaa. I am going to work in the morning, and then Raehan and I are going to watch the All Star Games in 3D. Can you beat that? ;] Anyways, I start school next Monday, so I've been frantically trying to get everything together. I bought the cutest notebooks at target, but I'm having the hardest time finding the right RSVP pen... Don't you hate that?
Anyways, busy is better than not busy. Hollaaa when you can, hoe.

Love always,

P.S. I'm coming home at the end of the month, btw.

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