Tuesday, January 6, 2009

6 Days.

Hi, T.

I know. So sorry about the James Bondin` it with the cupcakes. I run a tight schedule, as you can see. Anyways, I didn't really do much in regards to a new year's celebration. Anyways, I'm back to working againg. I seriously haven't worked in ages (a.k.a. 2 weeks).

*I'll probably be home for the long weekend.

Getting back into bottlecap necklaces? Can you make me one, but put it on a chain. That cord just didn't cut it. We should do a bottlecap x cupcake necklace. How effing adorable. My resolutions? Well, I'm going to try to be nicer, you know smile more. (All that crap) Maybe lose a few (and by a few, I mean a lot). ... You know, the usual. You?

Anyways you asked:
What makes you stay with your boyfriend? Idk. Really? I just like him, I suppose. I think it's nice. He doesn't really get me & sometimes I don't really understand him. I don't really like to get into the cheesey nitty gritty, about it. But I remember in HS, Mr. Beckman's class, we were reading Love in the Time of Cholera, and we were talking about how Gabriel says after so many years of being with his wife, he didn't know her at all. And Mr. Beckman went on saying, if you really were in love with someone, then maybe not knowing who they are is a good thing. You find something new everyday, something new to fall in love with? HAHA That's so lame. But I think that's it.

How do you know he's the one? Shit, I have no idea. I don't think about that stuff. But, I don't think I'm wasting my time either. I mean, who know's what'll happen? I think, for now, I like where I'm at, and when that changes, shit'll change too.

And after everything you've been through...what is it that keeps you together?? Glue? Random phone calls. Malasadas & Musubi. 90 minute drive. Flowers. Picking candy I would never pick for myself. Just silly stuff.

Love you more,

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Holidays, Resoutions and Boyfriends.

So, the holidays kept me ridiculously busy. How about you? I mean, I couldn't even see you to get those necklaces! I had to pick them up on somebody's stoop (hah, what a funny word!). Anyway, how was yours?

I didn't make any new year's resolutions per se, but I did make a list of things I want to do this year. Like, make more bottle cap necklaces, go to the observatory, etc. Do you have any resolutions?

Oh, and quick question: What makes you stay with your boyfriend? How do you know he's the one? And after everything you've been through...what is it that keeps you together??

Love you,